Electronic Health Records (EHR) Integrations for Biomarker Testing: Resource Library

To help multidisciplinary cancer care teams prepare for, implement, and evaluate EHR integrations for biomarker testing, ACCC has compiled a comprehensive resource library to inform and guide processes. Explore tools, checklists, publications, and insights from various cancer programs which can assist multidisciplinary cancer care teams in initiating and navigating EHR integrations specifically for biomarker ordering and reporting. 

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Insights from the ACCC Working Summit: Biomarker Testing – Solutions for EHR Integration informed the Resource Library. Additional guidance for EHR integrations is available in the Roadmap.

Want to recommend additional resources? Please email resources@accc-cancer.org with any comments or suggestions.

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Search Results: 82
Genomic/Genetic Testing: Functional Requirements (HealthCare Cancer Institute)
Example Provided by Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute
This functional requirements assessment provided by Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute may be helpful when evaluating different reference laboratories.
Epic Genomic Indicators Module makes genetic data more integrated, accessible
University of Michigan
This article explores how the University of Michigan's Precision Health Implementation group has developed an Epic Genomic Indicators Module to make genetic data more integrated and accessible.
Actionable, Accessible Genetic Data Makes Personalized Medicine Possible (EpicShare)
This article explores how TriHealth Blood and Cancer Institute's EHR integration has made genetic data actionable and accessible leading to improved precision medicine for patients.
DIGITizE: Displaying and Integrating Genetic Information Through the EHR Action Collaborative
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
This series of resources developed through DIGITizE (Displaying and Integrating Genetic Information Through the EHR Action Collaborative) can help teams understand how genomic information can be uniformly represented and integrated into electronic health records.
Integrating Somatic and Germline Next-Generation Sequencing Into Routine Clinical Oncology Practice
JCO Precision Oncology
This article explores the clinical perspective of integrating somatic and germline NGS sequencing results into patient care, including NGS test ordering and workflow design, result reporting and storage, clinicial consultation services, presentation of genetic information in the EHR, and provider/patient education.
Implementing and Improving Automated Electronic Tumor Molecular Profiling
Journal of Oncology Practice
This article examines the creation and implementation of an automated electronic reporting system to incorporate genetic testing results into the clinical EMR.
Closing the Testing Gap: Standardization of Comprehensive Biomarker Testing for Metastatic Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer in a Large Community Oncology Practice
JCO Oncology Practice
This article highlights the feasibility and impact of implementation and standarization of comprehensive biomarker testing for metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Example: Somatic solid tissue testing metrics (Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System)
Example Provided by Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System
This is an example resource provided by an ACCC member organization that outlines what different reference labs may require for somatic solid tissue biomarker testing.
Example: Somatic liquid testing metrics (Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System)
Example Provided by Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System
This is an example resource provided by an ACCC member organization that outlines what different reference labs may require for somatic liquid biopsy testing.
Example: Germline testing metrics (Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System)
Example Provided by Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System
This is an example resource provided by an ACCC member organization that outlines what different reference labs may require for germline testing.
Epic Genomics Galaxy Guides (Penn Medicine)
University of Pennsylvania
This website includes a series of helpful resources from the PennChart Genomics Initiative including a list of links to the Epic Genomics Galaxy Guides and resources on BestPractice Advisories, genomic indicators, and results.
Precision Medicine Strategy Handbook
Resource only accessible to Epic users.
FHIR Genomics Reporting Implementation Guide
This is a Genomics Reporting Implementation Guide based on FHIR R4 that includes several aspects of genomic data reporting, including representation of simple discrete variants, structural variants, complex variants, gross variations, germline and somatic variations, and others.
LIS and EHR Implementation for NSCLC Biomarker Testing: Implement Protocols in Electronic Systems
American Society for Clinical Pathology
This video is an excerpt from Laboratory Information System and Electronic Health Record Implementation and Protocol Optimization for NSCLC, the fourth in a highly interactive series designed to support Anatomic Pathology laboratory managers and their teams, providing them with knowledge related to best practices in NSCLC biomarker testing, examples of success stories, and guidance on real-life challenges they may face.
LIS and EHR Implementation for NSCLC Biomarker Testing: Example Epic Order Set
American Society for Clinical Pathology
This video is an excerpt from Laboratory Information System and Electronic Health Record Implementation and Protocol Optimization for NSCLC, the fourth in a highly interactive series designed to support Anatomic Pathology laboratory managers and their teams, providing them with knowledge related to best practices in NSCLC biomarker testing, examples of success stories, and guidance on real-life challenges they may face.
Showing Results: 1 - 15 of 82